BOE firmware upgrades

The following upgrade guide is relevant to those running a HPB masternode with a BOE card.

The current HPB BOE firmware version is V1.0.1.1 - Published on 2021-01-15

1. Kill the HPB Program

(1) Switch to root account: Enter su root, then log in the root account by entering your password

(2) Enter: killall ghpb

2. Download the latest BOE Firmware

(1) Enter: cd /home/ghpb-bin/

(2) Enter: wget

3. Execute the upgrade program

(1) Enter: sudo ./ghpb boeupdate BOE100_v1.0.1.1.bin

4. Start HPB Program again

(1) Enter: nohup ./ghpb --datadir node/data --unlock "Account address" --password "pwd" --networkid 100 --port 8545 --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net,miner,prometheus &,press Enter twice,

(2) Wait 10s, then enter the following command:./ghpb attach,When the message “Welcome to the GHPB JavaScript console!” pops up, the node is started successfully.

5. Start mining

(1) Enter: miner.start()

Confirm your BOE upgraded to the latest

(1) Enter the execution path:cd /home/ghpb-bin/

(2) Enter: sudo ./ghpb version to confirm the BOE version.

Last updated